Comments on: Canada Set to Repeal Conditional Permanent Resident Provision for Certain Sponsored Spouses/Partners /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html The Voice of Canadian Immigration Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:48:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Milan Panchal /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-3#comment-98334 Mon, 31 Jul 2017 11:59:40 +0000 HII, i am living in India and I want to migrate Canada can you give some suggestion for migration .

By: Emma /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-3#comment-96025 Thu, 01 Jun 2017 22:30:24 +0000 Hi, I desire to subscribe for this web site to take hottest updates, so where can i do it please
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By: Kitano /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-3#comment-95162 Wed, 10 May 2017 06:20:18 +0000 My wife left me in 30 days of landing claiming abuse. There was no abuse as she tried to claim it to no success. Immigration even flagged our marriage as Marriage of Convience but I appealed. Now she duped me into paying and getting her a Canadian Citizen and all the benefits. And now the Trudeau administration has failed me in protecting me, a law-abiding, tax-paying, hard-working Canadian Citizen.

By: Justice /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-2#comment-94066 Wed, 19 Apr 2017 15:21:09 +0000 I sponsored my husband and have only been abused by him. He only wanted status in Canada and I realized this as soon as he arrived. There are a lot of cases like this and the Conditional Permanent Resident should stay the same and not be repealed. It will make our system more open to abuse. And I guess too bad for the sponsor? This decision will ruin our system and more lives. I pray it doesn’t change.

By: Justice_Canada /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-2#comment-93754 Tue, 11 Apr 2017 19:09:12 +0000 So what about those who were victims of a sponsored spouse, a Canadian citizen who supposed to be protected by the government of Canada even more than the newcomers. does it mean, to bad, so sad for them and will be sorry for themselves because they sponsored the wrong partner. what will you do for them, to bring back their future dream, to take them back from devastation? How would you fix the broken home that the sponsored partner has ruined.

By: Mark Bozar /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-2#comment-83895 Mon, 27 Mar 2017 04:19:23 +0000 I and my wife are very thankful for the conditional residency will be granted for couples failed to met the requirements of spousal sponsorship.We still hope that and Pray that we can avail the conditional residency given by the CIC even we are only cohabited for only 2 weeks.GOD BLESS AND PROTECT YOU ALWAYS officers.

By: Tiara /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-2#comment-76304 Sat, 25 Feb 2017 19:32:00 +0000 I have been metal and violence abuse. I came to live here summer 2014 and married sept 2014. I got my residence card in summer 2016. I’m scare me and my girls cause I dont know wich are my rights as a wife and about all things that we have to pass trough . I cant afford to pay a lawyer to help me. I already went to woman protection but is not much what I received of information, they dont know exactly wich are my rights. When I received the residence card they told me for not taking it away I have to keep leaving with him for 3 years more. But the abuse is to much of his part he is Canadian and I really feel frustrated cause it supposed that he have to maintain me and my girls at all and all time are arguments he yell at me he calls me names he lies all time he mental abuse me lots and I cant stand more. Is anyway that I can be help for someone. He also take all the child taxes benefit of my girls in his account and dessapear it I never see any money of that and things like this all time all days. Im scare of him all time I cant even talk on phone or text cause he is always watching me. What can I do. I need to know my rights and how I can left him and I he will pass me some money to survive as a wife. if he have to pay me for leaving in a separate house and I this will risk for taking my residence I think is not fair cause ill been trough all of this and this is totally incorrect been abuse like that is too much things to write down and I will never end. thanks if you can send me information of what to do.

By: Rogi /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-2#comment-74744 Sat, 18 Feb 2017 20:40:57 +0000 Any news on this topic? Is there a date of when the conditional provision will be repealed?

By: joseph /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-2#comment-71089 Thu, 19 Jan 2017 16:37:24 +0000 I am married and want to sponsor my wife. however, she is pregnant and would deliver in six months time thereabout. how can i go about sponsoring her right now that it would not affect the child’s ability to also be a resident after delivery, since the application for spousal sponsorship takes about a year. thanks

By: Ambrose /2016/10/canada-set-to-repeal-conditional-permanent-resident-provision-for-certain-sponsored-spousespartners-108626.html/comment-page-2#comment-66942 Tue, 29 Nov 2016 15:05:14 +0000 As immigration laws are changing and in especially spousal sponsorship and immigration policies, people outside of Canada who desperately want to come over here by all means and for intents that may not be hard work are smarting up their strategies. They are up to date with Canadian marital/family laws and immigration policies, and far ahead of Canadian themselves.

Some of the women lure Canadian men to marry and sponsor them to Canada. And once the sponsorship gets through and they land in Canada, the immediate thing is to give birth and then start calling the police/911 to begin to make cases against the Canadian (resident) spouse who sponsored them. And when they have made up enough cases, they separate from their sponsors, and begin bringing their own maternal/paternal family members and possibly another spouse into Canada. I have even heard of a wife who was sponsored to Canada, trying to send her travelling documents to her sister in her country of origin, so the sister can also use same to travel into Canada.

The men lure Canadian women into marriage and sponsorship, and can pretend until their residency is permanent/secured, then they start behaviors that turns off their sponsors from the marriage or make up some ways to leave the union.

But that’s not all. In some cases the sponsored person might be demanding and extorting moneys from his/her Canadian spouse to set up businesses for him/her self or for his/her maternal/paternal family to run in their country of origin so that once he/she separates from his/her sponsor, the sponsored person begin moving to and fro Canada and country of origin and other countries (as entering Canada open doors to many other dream countries of such persons), ordering, shipping and selling things. Some of them want to be seen as international business men/women.

What do you do, when after all the moneys spent on going to another country, say Nigeria for instance to marry a women, and with all the extra financial extortion, your wife/spouse arrives Canada with a condition that if the mother is not invited to Canada, the marriage they used and made away with every bit of money from your hands WILL NOT WORK?
