

300,000 New Immigrants Per Year the ‘New Normal’: Immigration Minister


Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Ahmed Hussen, has said that the country will welcome at least as many new immigrants in 2018 as it expects to this year. The Minister’s comments on CBC radio show The House come just before the government is expected to publish its Immigration Levels Plan for 2018.

“Three hundred thousand is now our new normal,” said Hussen, who did not dismiss the idea of a higher target for 2018.

“As a government we went from 260,000 to 300,000 because of the need to meet the demands of Canadian families who wanted to reunite with their loved ones,” Hussen continued.

“But also employers who are asking us to allow them to continue to use immigration more and more as a way to meet their growth needs.”

Earlier this year, Minister Hussen had remarked that an annual target of 300,000 new admissions would be the ‘baseline’ figure for the coming years.

The Minister added that the “vast majority” of immigrants settling in Canada as permanent residents will be admitted through the economic class, because that’s where the greatest need is. Canada’s internationally-lauded economic immigration system has moved towards a demand-based model called , where the government invites eligible candidates to apply for permanent residence on a priority basis using a . Invited candidates have 90 days to apply, with the government aiming to process the majority of applications within six months.

Other economic migrants will settle through a , or be admitted to . There will also be a number admitted as .

Canada will also continue to reunite families in the country through its programs, and the government will continue to uphold its tradition of resettling those in need through its programs.

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