

Saskatchewan issues 514 invitations in latest Express Entry, Occupation In-Demand draws


The province of Saskatchewan issued new invitations to apply for a provincial nomination to candidates in its International Skilled Worker immigration category on November 23, including 247 invitations to candidates in the federal Express Entry system.  

Another 267 invitations went to candidates in Saskatchewan’s sub-category with a minimum score of 64.

The lowest-ranked Express Entry candidate had a score of 63 under Saskatchewan’s International Skilled Worker  in this latest draw.

Express Entry candidates who apply for and receive a provincial nomination are awarded an additional 600 points toward their , which effectively assures an invitation from the Government of Canada to apply for permanent residence in a subsequent Express Entry selection round.

°Õ³ó±ðÌý manages the pool of candidates for Canada’s three main federal economic immigration categories — the , the  and the .

In order to be considered for immigration to Saskatchewan, Express Entry candidates must register a separate profile with the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) under its .

The November 23 draws were the fifth for both sub-categories since Saskatchewan switched them from a first-come, first-served application approach to an EOI system in July.

Under an EOI system, the first step for anyone who would like to be considered for a provincial nomination from Saskatchewan is to create a profile and provide the requested information on factors such as education, work experience and proficiency in English or French.

Profiles are scored in accordance with the International Skilled Worker  based on the information provided and eligible profiles are entered into the Expression of Interest pool for the relevant sub-category, where they are ranked based on their score.

Invitations to apply for a provincial nomination are then issued to the highest-scoring candidates through regular selection rounds.

In order to be eligible for the Express Entry sub-category, Express Entry candidates must score at least 60 on Saskatchewan’s  and have work experience in a high-skilled occupation found on the province’s , among other criteria. A job offer in Saskatchewan is not required.

The Occupation In-Demand sub-category is for eligible candidates outside the Express Entry system who score at least 60 points on Saskatchewan’s point assessment grid and have at least one year of work experience in the past 10 years in one of the province’s in-demand occupations, among other criteria.

There is also no job offer requirement for the Occupation In-Demand sub-category.

Saskatchewan has now issued 3,337 invitations through its International Skilled Worker Expression of Interest system, of which 1,552 went to Express Entry candidates and 1,785 were issued to Occupation In-Demand candidates.

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