

PGP 2020: Canada completes the process of sending out invitations


All invitations to apply for the 2020 Parents and Grandparents Program have now been sent out by the Government of Canada.

Invitations were issued to potential sponsors of parents and grandparents who had submitted an Interest to Sponsor form during the 2020 application period.

About two weeks ago, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held its PGP 2020 lottery and began sending out invitations over a ten-day period.

Potential sponsors who received an invitation now have 60 calendar days to submit a complete application to sponsor their parents and grandparents.

IRCC stated in a press release that potential sponsors who have successfully submitted a sponsorship application form but have not received an invitation email should carefully check their junk mail or their inbox to see if they have been invited. The status of invitations can also be checked on .

The immigration department also indicated that those who received an invitation to this round were randomly selected and confirmed that up to 10,000 complete applications will be accepted for the 2020 .

Have you received an invitation to sponsor for the 2020 PGP? Email Campbell Cohen to receive assistance.

It also noted that PGP continues to be very popular and that 鈥渢he number of people interested in sponsoring their parents and grandparents always exceeds the number of applications we can accept.鈥 Those who submitted a sponsorship application form in 2020 but were not selected to apply in the 2020 round are encouraged to do so again when the 2021 program is launched.

In 2021, Canada plans to issue up to 30,000 invitations under the PGP program. More information and timelines for the upcoming PGP will be posted on IRCC鈥檚 website as soon as it becomes available.

IRCC will once again use a randomized selection process in 2021.

The PGP allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their parents and grandparents to. Parents and grandparents who are approved under this program are granted permanent residence and may later apply for Canadian citizenship.

Anyone who wishes to bring their parents or grandparents to Canada may also want to consider a , which allows them to stay in the country for up to two years.

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