

Becoming a Canadian citizen if you have a Canadian parent


Americans as well as others born outside of Canada to first generation Canadian citizens may be able to gain Canadian citizenship by descent.

The Canadian government invites such individuals to apply for . This process is available to you regardless of your age and even if your Canadian parent is deceased.

There is also no time limit on the period of time between your parent leaving Canada and your application. This means that assuming you meet all the criteria, you can gain Canadian citizenship even if your parent left Canada decades ago.

The Canadian government fee is $75 CAD to apply.

(IRCC) requires applicants to demonstrate their biological or legal parent was a Canadian citizen when the applicant was born. IRCC accepts evidence such as the birth certificate, Canadian citizenship card or citizenship certificate of the Canadian parent.

IRCC will send an 鈥渁cknowledgment of receipt鈥 once it confirms the submitted application is complete. Upon the application being approved, IRCC will send a Canadian citizenship certificate.

You are welcome to contact an experienced Canadian immigration lawyer to help you with the process. The trusted lawyer can double check to ensure you meet all the eligibility criteria and correspond with the Canadian government to help you become a Canadian as quickly as possible.

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